NED ready to meet Australia
The National edeposit service (NED) was formally launched in Canberra on Friday, 16 August, by the Hon. Paul Fletcher MP, Minister for Communications, Cyber Safety and the Arts.
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The National edeposit service (NED) was formally launched in Canberra on Friday, 16 August, by the Hon. Paul Fletcher MP, Minister for Communications, Cyber Safety and the Arts.
During NAIDOC Week, NSLA libraries and Trove volunteers added AUSTLANG Indigenous language codes to 8017 library records, representing 469 unique languages.
Today is the official launch of Australia’s National edeposit service, a world-first collaboration for the library sector.
An update from NSLA’s Executive Officer on the March NSLA meeting, National edeposit service, GLAM Peak and humanities research infrastructure.
We’ve come a long way in 2019 – here are some of the highlights of the past year.
Dr Barbara Lemon commenced as NSLA’s Executive Officer in December 2018. We asked what drew her back to NSLA, and her vision for its future.
Members of National and State Libraries Australasia (NSLA) acknowledge the Traditional Custodians and Kaitiaki of the lands on which
our libraries do their daily work, preserving and sharing our collective cultural heritage.