
NSLA Chair and IFLA President-elect Vicki McDonald, and NSLA's Executive Officer, Barbara Lemon

Introducing NSLA’s new strategic plan: Leading together

In this Q&A session NSLA Chair and IFLA President-elect Vicki McDonald, and NSLA’s Executive Officer, Barbara Lemon, shares highlights of the 2023-2026 strategy, and insights into the emerging trends that shaped its direction.

NSLA board at State Library of Victoria

NSLA board welcomes new strategy

When members of the NSLA board came together in Melbourne last week for their first meeting of 2023, there was more than one milestone to be celebrated.

The National Library of Australia.

Funding secured for Trove’s treasures

NLSA libraries have welcomed the Australian Government’s recent announcement pledging $33 million over the next four years to maintain Trove, to be followed by ongoing annual funding for the platform. This is the first government commitment to ongoing, secure funding since Trove’s inception.

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What is ChatGPT anyway?

The field of AI has periodically had breakthrough moments where gradual advancements in AI software combined with ever more powerful computers reaches a kind of threshold moment where all the small changes add up to something qualitatively different.

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