Reflections on collection policies in NSLA libraries
A report on the current collection development policies in NSLA libraries, with a focus on web archiving practices, current and future.
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A report on the current collection development policies in NSLA libraries, with a focus on web archiving practices, current and future.
NSLA’s submission to the review of the Australian Digital Inclusion Index advocates for inclusion of a measure of how libraries and other providers of free internet access, internet-connected devices and digital skills support contribute to digital inclusion in Australia.
Guidelines on Creative Commons licenses and library collection items.
NLSA’s agreement with the Council of Australian University Librarians.
NSLA welcomes the addition of social infrastructure to the audit and recommends consideration of a number of additional challenges to libraries in meeting users’ needs, including: consumer expectations, research infrastructure, reductions in capital funding, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities and collections, volunteers.
NSLA’s inquiry submission calls for the recognition of libraries as trusted public institutions that support the collection and preservation of Australia’s diverse cultural heritage and strengthen civic engagement.
Members of National and State Libraries Australasia (NSLA) acknowledge the Traditional Custodians and Kaitiaki of the lands on which
our libraries do their daily work, preserving and sharing our collective cultural heritage.