
Planning for 2019

NSLA members outside SLSA, L to R: John Vallance, NSW; Patrick Gregory, NT; Vicki McDonald, Qld; Liz Jack, Tas.; Kate Irvine, NSLA; Vanessa Little, ACT; Kate Torney, Vic.; Barbara Lemon, NSLA; Marie-Louise Ayres, NLA; Geoff Strempel, SLSA

The last NSLA meeting for 2018, hosted by the State Library of South Australia, included business planning for the coming year.

The National edeposit (NED) and Indigenous Cultural Competency (ICC) projects will continue to be NSLA’s main project focus, with both the NED launch and a pilot ICC core online course scheduled for the first quarter of 2019.

In addition to ongoing advocacy priorities, NSLA will consider how our libraries might contribute to UNESCO’s 2019 Year of Indigenous Languages, singly and together. And how our activities might align with ICC and with other sector initiatives, including ALIA’s ‘Indigenous Matters’ focus for 2018-2019, GLAM Peak’s advocacy priorities, and the museum sector’s 10-year Indigenous Roadmap project.

This was also the last NSLA meeting for Kate Irvine, our outgoing Executive officer, who is leaving the organisation after more than decade to move to New Zealand.

Speaking on behalf of members, NSLA Chair Kate Torney, said, “Kate is one-of-a-kind and her contribution to NSLA and the library sector, both here and overseas, cannot be underestimated. She has identified and helped tackle some of the most complex issues facing our sector during her time with NSLA, always ensuring a relevant, evidence-based approach to discussions and decision-making.

“Renowned for her diplomacy, Kate is a leader of true integrity, deeply respected by colleagues and it has been a great privilege to work with her.”

Although Kate will be hugely missed by all of us, we are very happy to welcome (back) her successor, Dr Barbara Lemon, known to many from her time as NSLA’s Program Coordinator from 2011 to 2015.

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